The open youth center for personality development is a place for young people aged 14-29 who want to spend their free time together, share discoveries or learn and learn new things. It is important to mention that there is a wide variety of free activities prepared and organized by young people – themed events, board games and discussions, film screenings, presentations, lectures, information events and many other activities.
Youth voluntary service
It is a form of work with youth, when an intensive 6-month program is organized. long-term volunteering program for young people, during which young people volunteer for an average of 40 hours/month in a chosen accredited host organization.
Open youth work
It is a form of work with youth, which aims to provide opportunities for all young people, regardless of their social status, to spend their free time safely, to engage in activities that interest them, and, if necessary, by helping competent youth workers to solve challenges and questions that arise in everyday life.
Development of practical skills
It is a form of youth work aimed at developing the personal and social skills of a young person, providing the young person with knowledge and abilities that allow them to integrate into the labor market and/or return to the education system.
Minijos g. 2, K3-5a, Klaipėda
Auk centras
☑️Aikido training and seminars; ☑️Cooking; ☑️Multifunctional hall and equipment; ☑️ Sports hall; ☑️Individual consultations with a youth worker;☑️Free time with friends.
contact information: phone numb. 8 621 99530, el. p.
☑️extreme sport training and competition;
☑️Thematic events; ☑️Individual consultations with a youth worker;☑️Free time with friends.
Gluosnių sk. 2A, K2, Klaipėda
from our life
The project was financed by the European Union Structural Funds Agency and Klaipėda City Municipality